Doctors’ Blog

Probiotics Stave Off Colds

For years, natural-health minded individuals have been using good bacteria (probiotics) to boost the immune system, digestive system, and overall health.  Recently, advertisers have taken notice and started touting the health benefits of "healthy germs."  You can see...

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The Flu: How to Protect Your Family!

It's that time of year again.  The time your local pharmacy starts advertising its flu shots, commercials start pressuring parents, and all the news shows bring on their experts telling you the importance of getting the flu shot and washing your hands.  There's even...

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“Get this thing outta me!”

Pregnancy is hard work and it doesn't get any easier when it comes to labor.  It's not a surprise that many women, exhausted from hormonal, physical, emotional changes, and every person asking them "How are you feeling?", are ready for the end! Unfortunately many...

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For the love of germs!

We disinfect, we sanitize, we sterilize, we spray, we rub, and yes, we scrub.  All in the never-ending battle against germs - those yucky invisible things that cause all sorts of sickness and disease, right?Maybe not so much.  An article on from

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What lurks beneath the grill?

It's fourth of July weekend and that means fireworks and grilling.  Both are fun things to do and have become a common way to celebrate the anniversary of our country's birth.  Unfortunately, grilling meat isn't as wonderful as it usually tastes.If you cook animal...

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The Dirty Dozen

Many people are confused about Organic produce, they just don’t understand why it costs more for fruit and vegetables that just don’t seem as “pretty”.  Organic produce is grown without the use of harmful pesticides and chemicals that are absorbed into the fruit or...

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Can you hear me now?

We live in a modern world of convenience.  Cell phones are amazing products.  They allow us to instantly connect to others, check email, ad watch ridiculous videos on YouTube.  But sometimes technology advances faster than our awareness and understanding of its...

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Dr. Ian speaks on behalf of chiropractic care for the entire family. Come to an event or ask Ian to host one for you.


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